In the heart of the Spokane Branch, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there exists a beacon of hope and compassion – the Spokane Branch of Family Resource Home Care. Recently, this branch witnessed a remarkable display of selflessness and dedication from one of its own, Gerri Wardlow. Her unwavering commitment to her clients has earned her the prestigious Lifesaver Award, a recognition well-deserved for her extraordinary act of kindness.

A Call in the Dead of Night

It was a late Saturday night, around 12 am, when the Spokane Branch received a distressing call. A client had encountered an unfortunate incident and was unable to return to her bed. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the Customer Service Representative team sprang into action, seeking assistance for the stranded client. Amidst the urgency, Branch Manager Michelle pondered on who could respond swiftly and effectively to aid the distressed client.

Gerri to the Rescue

In times of crisis, heroes emerge, and Gerri Wardlow proved to be one such hero. Michelle swiftly reached out to Gerri, knowing her reputation for unwavering dedication and reliability. Without a moment’s hesitation, Gerri rushed to the client’s home, arriving within a mere 10 minutes. What transpired next was nothing short of remarkable – Gerri attended to the client’s needs with utmost care and compassion.

A Touch of Compassion

For over two hours, Gerri tended to the client’s needs, providing assistance with a shower and ensuring her comfort by changing the bedding. It wasn’t just the physical care she provided; it was the empathy and kindness that shone through her actions. Gerri’s unwavering dedication to her clients extends far beyond the call of duty – it is a testament to her remarkable character and selflessness.

A Heartfelt Tribute

The impact of Gerri’s actions reverberated beyond the confines of the client’s home. Upon learning of Gerri’s compassionate act, the client’s son reached out to express his profound gratitude. In a heartfelt email, he praised Gerri for her competence, compassion, and attention to detail during his mother’s time of need. It was a touching tribute to a caregiver whose dedication knows no bounds.


In every community, there are unsung heroes whose acts of kindness and compassion illuminate the lives of those around them. Gerri Wardlow exemplifies the true spirit of caregiving – selfless, compassionate, and unwavering in her dedication to others. Her remarkable actions have not only earned her the Lifesaver Award but also the enduring gratitude of those whose lives she touches. As we celebrate Gerri’s achievements, let us also be inspired to emulate her spirit of kindness and generosity in our own lives.

As we honor Gerri with the Lifesaver Award, let her story inspire us all to appreciate and acknowledge the caregivers who, like Gerri, bring light into the darkest moments of our lives. Cheers to Gerri, a true hero in the caregiving community!

Interested in other Lifesaver Stories? Check out our other blogs here: Family Resource Home Care Lifesavers