Dear Family Resource,
My 87-year-old father lives in assisted living and is still sharp as a tack and loves life. My daughter is getting married out-of-state and she wants her grandfather there. He says he wouldn’t miss it for the world, but I’m concerned about him managing alone in a hotel and at the wedding. I don’t want to be selfish but I’m not willing to spend my only daughter’s wedding taking care of my dad. Is there such a thing as hiring a caregiver who could help my dad the day before and the day of the wedding? How would I find someone to do this?

Dear Father of the Bride,
Congratulations on the impending wedding of your daughter, and a high-5 on trying to figure out how you can get your 87-year old father to the wedding!

Hiring a companion to accompany your dad on the trip and to the wedding activities is a great idea. Your father will have the freedom to attend the activities and leave when he wants without burdening the family. I highly suggest you call a home care agency, like Family Resource Home Care, to learn about how they can help. If you and your father decide he can make the trip on his own, you can hire a companion to help with wedding activities. The home care agency will ensure the companion dresses appropriately and has similar likes and interests as your father. If you do not have a recommendation for a quality home care agency, you can find a provider through the Home Care Association of America, click on “find a provider”.

I know everyone understands your position and will support you. Good luck.
~ Family Resource

photo credit: apdk sylvia & grandad via photopin (license)